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Calculate matrix of pair-wise travel times between points using a single mode of transport.


m4ra_times_single_mode(graph, from = NULL, to = NULL, path = NULL)



A dodgr network returned from the weight_streetnet function using a network obtained with the osmdata osmdata_sc function.


Vector or matrix of points from which route distances are to be calculated (see Notes)


Vector or matrix of points to which route distances are to be calculated (see Notes)


If specified, save individual travel time vectors for each 'from' point at that local directory.

from and to values can be either two-column matrices or equivalent of longitude and latitude coordinates, or else single columns precisely matching node numbers or names given in graph$from or graph$to. If to is NULL, pairwise distances are calculated between all points specified in from. If both from and to are NULL, pairwise distances are calculated between all nodes in graph.


net <- dodgr::weight_streetnet (m4ra_hampi, wt_profile = "foot")
#> Loading required namespace: geodist
#> Loading required namespace: dplyr
traveltimes <- m4ra_times_single_mode (net)