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Calculate matrix of pair-wise travel times between points using multiple modes of transport.


  net_sc = NULL,
  gtfs = NULL,
  city_name = NULL,
  day = NULL,
  start_time_limits = NULL,
  initial_mode = "foot",
  final_mode = "foot",
  from = NULL,
  duration_max = NULL,
  fast = FALSE,
  n_closest = 10L,
  quiet = FALSE



Local file path to a silicate, "SC", format object containing network data used to generate weighted street networks.


Local file path to a gtfsrouter object saved via saveRDS, containing GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) data for network represented in net_sc. This .Rds object may include additional timetable or transfer information in addition to data represented in original zip-format data of provided GTFS feed.


Name of city used to name cached files.


As for the 'gtfs_traveltimes' function of gtfsrouter, the day for which the matrix is to be calculated.


As for the 'gtfs_traveltimes' function of gtfsrouter, a vector of two values specifying the earliest and latest departure times from each station.


Initial mode of transport from origin points towards public transport stop.


The mode of transport used for the final stage from GTFS stops to destination points.


List of OSM vertex IDs from which to calculate total multi-modal travel times. These must be vertices from the largest connected component of the contracted graph.


If specified, only calculate times from each point to the nearest GTFS stops out to specified maximal duration in seconds. Values may be provided if overall travel times are only of interest out to some defined range or maximal value. Specifying values for this parameter can can considerably reduce calculation times.


Values of TRUE generate potentially enormous matrices which may not fit in local memory. The default value of FALSE is generally safer, but calculation may take considerably longer.


Final travel times to each destination point are calculated by tracing back times to this number of closest GTFS stops. Lower values will result in faster calculation times, yet with potentially inaccurate results.


If FALSE, display progress information on screen.