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Construct a travel time matrix to or from all stops in a 'GTFS' feed from or to to all points in a street network.


m4ra_times_to_gtfs_stops(graph, gtfs, city, from = NULL, graph_to_gtfs = TRUE)



A dodgr network returned from the weight_streetnet function using a network obtained with the osmdata osmdata_sc function.


A 'GTFS' feed extracted with the gtfsrouter function, 'extract_gtfs'.


Name of city being analysed; used to name and extract cache files.


Vector or matrix of points from which route distances are to be calculated. If not given, times are calculated from all points in the network. Only has any effect is graph_to_gtfs is TRUE.


If TRUE, generate matrix of times from all network junctions in 'graph' (or all from points if specified) to each stop in the 'gtfs$stops' table; otherwise generate matrix of times from all stops to all network junctions.


An integer matrix of fastest travel times either between all 'gtfs' stops and all network points (for 'graph_to_gtfs = FALSE'), or the other way around (for 'graph_to_gtfs = TRUE').

See also