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This city expects weighted networks to have been generated with the m4ra_batch_weight_networks function, and for corresponding networks to exist in the m4ra cache directory for the specified city.


m4ra_times_bike_car(city = NULL, from = NULL, walk_dists = TRUE)



City for which values are to be calculated


Vector of OSM ID values of vertices from which ratios are to be calculated. Typically obtained by loading one weighted network, and sampling or extracting vertices from the function m4ra_vertices.


If TRUE, also calculate equivalent walking distances.


A data.frame of destination vertices, including Open Street Map ID values, and longitude and latitude values, and four variables:

  • 'car_t' Times in seconds to travel with automobile.

  • 'bike_t' Times in seconds to travel by bicycles.

  • 'walk_d' Equivalent walking distance in kilometres.

  • 'ratio' Ratio of bicycle to automobile travel times.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
city <- "<city_name>"
net <- m4ra_load_cached_network (city = city, mode = "foot")
v <- m4ra_vertices (net, "<city_name>")
from <- sample (v$id, size = 10)
dat <- m4ra_bike_car_ratios (city = city, from = from)
} # }