NOTE: This function has been deprecated. Please use gtfs_traveltimes instead.

  day = NULL,
  from_is_id = FALSE,
  grep_fixed = TRUE,
  route_pattern = NULL,
  minimise_transfers = FALSE,
  hull_alpha = 0.1,
  quiet = FALSE



A set of GTFS data returned from extract_gtfs or, for more efficient queries, pre-processed with gtfs_timetable.


Name, ID, or approximate (lon, lat) coordinates of start station (as stop_name or stop_id entry in the stops table, or a vector of two numeric values).


Desired departure time at from station, either in seconds after midnight, a vector of two or three integers (hours, minutes) or (hours, minutes, seconds), an object of class difftime, hms, or lubridate.


End time to calculate isochrone


Day of the week on which to calculate route, either as an unambiguous string (so "tu" and "th" for Tuesday and Thursday), or a number between 1 = Sunday and 7 = Saturday. If not given, the current day will be used. (Not used if gtfs has already been prepared with gtfs_timetable.)


Set to TRUE to enable from parameter to specify entry in stop_id rather than stop_name column of the stops table (same as from_to_are_ids parameter of gtfs_route).


If FALSE, match station names (when passed as character string) with grep(..., fixed = FALSE), to allow use of grep expressions. This is useful to refine matches in cases where desired stations may match multiple entries.


Using only those routes matching given pattern, for example, "^U" for routes starting with "U" (as commonly used for underground or subway routes. To negate the route_pattern -- that is, to include all routes except those matching the pattern -- prepend the value with "!"; for example "!^U" will include all services except those starting with "U". (This parameter is not used at all if gtfs has already been prepared with gtfs_timetable.)


If TRUE, isochrones are calculated with minimal-transfer connections to each end point, even if those connections are slower than alternative connections with transfers.


alpha value of non-convex hulls returned as part of result (see ?alphashape::ashape for details).


Set to TRUE to suppress screen messages (currently just regarding timetable construction).


An object of class gtfs_isochrone, including sf-formatted points representing the from station (start_point), the terminal end stations (end_points), and all intermediate stations (mid_points) each with the earliest possible arrival time, along with lines representing the individual routes. A non-convex ("alpha") hull is also returned (as an sfPOLYGON object), including measures of area and "elongation", which equals zero for a circle, and increases towards one for more elongated shapes.


Calculate a single isochrone from a given start station, returning the list of all stations reachable to the specified end_time.

See also


berlin_gtfs_to_zip ()
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmpdg7K8g/"
f <- file.path (tempdir (), "")
g <- extract_gtfs (f)
#> Unzipping GTFS archive
✔ Unzipped GTFS archive  
#> Extracting GTFS feed
✔ Extracted GTFS feed 
#> Converting stop times to seconds
✔ Converted stop times to seconds 
#> Converting transfer times to seconds
✔ Converted transfer times to seconds 
g <- gtfs_timetable (g)
#> Day not specified; extracting timetable for sunday
from <- "Alexanderplatz"
start_time <- 12 * 3600 + 600
end_time <- start_time + 600
if (FALSE)  # function is deprecated!
ic <- gtfs_isochrone (g,
                      from = from,
                      start_time = start_time,
                      end_time = end_time)
plot (ic)
#> Error in plot(ic): object 'ic' not found