Cumulative distances along different edge categories
Cumulative distances along different edge categories
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
proportions_only = FALSE,
pairwise = FALSE,
dlimit = NULL,
heap = "BHeap",
quiet = TRUE
- graph
or equivalent object representing the network graph which must have a column named "edge_type" which labels categories of edge types along which categorical distances are to be aggregated (see Note).- from
Vector or matrix of points from which route distances are to be calculated, specified as one of the following:
Single character vector precisely matching node numbers or names given in
.Single vector of integer-ish values, in which case these will be presumed to specify indices into dodgr_vertices, and NOT to correspond to values in the 'from' or 'to' columns of the graph. See the example below for a demonstration.
Matrix or equivalent of longitude and latitude coordinates, in which case these will be matched on to the nearest coordinates of 'from' and 'to' points in the graph.
- to
Vector or matrix of points to which route distances are to be calculated. If
, pairwise distances will be calculated from allfrom
points to all other nodes ingraph
. If bothfrom
, pairwise distances are calculated between all nodes ingraph
.- proportions_only
, return distance matrices for full distances and for each edge category; ifTRUE
, return single vector of proportional distances, like thesummary
function applied to full results. See Note.- pairwise
, calculate distances only between the ordered pairs offrom
. In this case, neither theproportions_only
parameters have any effect, and the result is a single matrix with one row for each pair offrom
points, and one column for each category.- dlimit
If no value to
is given, distances are aggregated from eachfrom
point out to the specified distance limit (in the same units as the edge distances of the input graph).dlimit
only has any effect ifto
is not specified, in which case theproportions_only
argument has no effect.- heap
Type of heap to use in priority queue. Options include Fibonacci Heap (default;
), Binary Heap (BHeap
),Trinomial Heap (
TriHeap), Extended Trinomial Heap (
TriHeapExt, and 2-3 Heap (
Heap23`).- quiet
, display progress messages on screen.
If to
is specified, a list of distance matrices of equal dimensions
(length(from), length(to)), the first of which ("distance") holds the final
distances, while the rest are one matrix for each unique value of
"edge_type", holding the distances traversed along those types of edges only.
Otherwise, a single matrix of total distances along all ways from each point
out to the specified value of dlimit
, along with distances along each of
the different kinds of ways specified in the "edge_type" column of the input
The "edge_type" column in the graph can contain any kind of discrete or
categorical values, although integer values of 0 are not permissible. NA
values are ignored. The function requires one full distance
matrix to be stored for each category of "edge_type" (unless
proportions_only = TRUE
). It is wise to keep numbers of discrete types as
low as possible, especially for large distance matrices.
Setting the proportions_only
flag to TRUE
may be advantageous for
large jobs, because this avoids construction of the full matrices. This may
speed up calculations, but perhaps more importantly it may make possible
calculations which would otherwise require distance matrices too large to be
directly stored.
Calculations are not able to be interrupted (for example, by Ctrl-C
and can only be stopped by killing the R process.
See also
Other distances:
# Prepare a graph for categorical routing by including an "edge_type" column
graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi, wt_profile = "foot")
graph <- graph [graph$component == 1, ]
graph$edge_type <- graph$highway
# Define start and end points for categorical distances; using all vertices
# here.
length (unique (graph$edge_type)) # Number of categories
#> [1] 8
v <- dodgr_vertices (graph)
from <- to <- v$id [1:100]
d <- dodgr_dists_categorical (graph, from, to)
class (d)
#> [1] "list" "dodgr_dists_categorical"
length (d)
#> [1] 9
sapply (d, dim)
#> distances path primary residential secondary service steps track
#> [1,] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
#> [2,] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
#> unclassified
#> [1,] 100
#> [2,] 100
# 9 distance matrices, all of same dimensions, first of which is standard
# distance matrix
s <- summary (d) # print summary as proportions along each "edge_type"
#> Proportional distances along each kind of edge:
#> path: 0.8941
#> primary: 0
#> residential: 0
#> secondary: 0.0159
#> service: 0.0571
#> steps: 0
#> track: 0
#> unclassified: 0.0329
# or directly calculate proportions only
dodgr_dists_categorical (graph, from, to,
proportions_only = TRUE
#> path primary residential secondary service steps
#> 0.89410618 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.01594045 0.05706168 0.00000000
#> track unclassified
#> 0.00000000 0.03289169
# Pairwise distances return single matrix with number of rows equal to 'from'
# / 'to', and number of columns equal to number of edge types plus one for
# total distances.
d <- dodgr_dists_categorical (graph, from, to, pairwise = TRUE)
class (d)
#> [1] "matrix" "array"
dim (d)
#> [1] 100 9
# The 'dlimit' parameter can be used to calculate total distances along each
# category of edges from a set of points out to specified threshold:
dlimit <- 2000 # in metres
d <- dodgr_dists_categorical (graph, from, dlimit = dlimit)
dim (d) # length(from), length(unique(edge_type)) + 1
#> [1] 100 9